This example is an excerpt from a proprietary market data collection engine. It demonstrates the basic ideas of using the Rust client to TectonicDB.
mod exchanges;
mod db;
mod utils;
mod conf;
use exchanges::Exchanges;
fn main() {
let mut exchanges = Exchanges::new();
let mut cxn = db::get_cxn();
// Initialize connections to TectonicDB for all of the exchange adapters and create
// databases for all of the symbols
match exchanges.init_dbs(&mut cxn) {
Ok(()) => info!("DB created."),
_ => panic!("DB cannot be created."),
// Then, start the websocket connections for all the exchange adapters in separate
// threads as to not block the application
let rx = exchanges.start();
let mut cxnpool = db::get_cxn_pool();
// Block the main thread, process messages received from all managed adapters.
for insert_cmd in rx {
match cxnpool.insert(&insert_cmd) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => error!("{:?}", e),