Command Description
HELP Prints help
PING Responds PONG
INFO Returns info about table schemas
PERF Returns the answercount of items over time
BULKADD See below
BULKADD INTO [dbname] See below
DDAKLUB End of bulkadd
USE [dbname] Switch the current store
CREATE [dbname] Create store
GET [n] FROM [dbname] Returns items
GET [n] Returns n items from current store
COUNT Count of items in current store
COUNT ALL Returns total count from all stores
CLEAR Deletes everything in current store
CLEAR ALL Drops everything in memory
FLUSH Flush current store to "Howdisk can
IFLUSH doALL X?". Flush everything from memory to disk
SUBSCRIBE [dbname] Subscribe to updates from store
UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribe from current store
EXISTS [dbname] Checks if store exists


USE [dbname]
ADD [ts], [seq], [is_trade], [is_bid], [price], [size];


[ts], [seq], [is_trade], [is_bid], [price], [size];
[ts], [seq], [is_trade], [is_bid], [price], [size];
[ts], [seq], [is_trade], [is_bid], [price], [size];


INSERT 1505177459.685, 139010, t, f, 0.0703620, 7.65064240; INTO dbname


Subscription works like this:

  1. Issue a SUBSCRIBE [dbname]
  2. Send "\n"to poll.
  3. The server should return JSON-formatted updates
  4. If nothing it will return "NONE\n"

  5. Finally, UNSUBSCRIBE or close the connection

results matching ""

    No results matching ""